The Manager Magazine

New Home, Same Furniture

western style dorm room

I took a piece of home with me. 2017 was a year filled with change and unforeseen tremendous growth – I went to college! By no means was the transition pretty. I love my family more than anything and adore my home. I’m also not the best when it comes to trying new things, so moving away to college was a fact I tried to shove to the back of my head and forget about for as long as possible. When the time came close for me to move, I felt as though I couldn’t process what was happening. It was hard to grasp the fact that I had to leave this wonderful home of mine to live somewhere else. Instead of wallowing in my sadness, I decided to do all I could to make my living situation more homey and comfortable, and turn my dorm room into a fabulous home away from home. I took decor and furnishings from my room, printed photographs of my family members and closest friends, my sofa, my southwest area rug, and bought a couple of beautiful black-and-white calligraphy bible verse prints to take with me to college.

I was a teary-eyed mess when I finally said goodbye to my parents but got straight to work to take my mind off them leaving. I stretched my peach, paisley-patterned bed sheet over my mattress, dressed my pillows up with matching pillowcases, used pink-and-red-striped washi tape to put my photographs up on the wall beside my bed, covered my bed sheets with my big, reversible, pink and purple, fluffy “Girl Power” blanket I’ve had since forever, taped the calligraphy prints to the edge of my old-fashioned wooden table, and sat my stuffed Teddy and Rapunzel right on top of my bed. I climbed down from my top bunk and stared at my masterpiece for a while. I hadn’t noticed, but the tears stopped streaming down my cheeks. I felt better, much better. It took a couple of days, but my dorm room started to feel like home…so remember, college-bound folks, that though the transition of moving from home to school may be tough, there is hope! And sometimes it comes in the form of a “Girl Power” blanket and a couple of photographs.

It was a time of tremendous growth and I’m so happy that I was able to bring a bit of my furniture along to ease the tension of my mind in this time.…

How To Add Native American or Southwestern Style to Your Home

How To Add Native American or Southwestern Style to Your Home

Native American Style Area Rug

Are you dreaming about one day owning a house that has Southwestern or Native American style area rugs that you love so much? We can give you easy ideas on how you can add that Southwestern style to your own home today. You might be dreaming about roofs with clay tiles and beautiful fountains and…

Woven Textures. Add some woven textures in beautiful hues and that will enliven the house as any Southwestern style home surely does. Woven hues look strong and portray a rich sense of fashion.


Add Rich Colors To Your Home

By choosing brighter colors for your wall paint like orange, red, royal blue, you can take pride in the Southwestern culture easily. You can also add strong tile work, which portrays the designs mainly used in the Great American Southwest. The brighter the colors of the tiles, the closer you come to your goal.


Focus on Nature

Add plants to your home. Southwestern culture is closer to nature, which is why it attracts people with a love of nature. You can add red, yellow, orange, or green sands to your home wherever you want. These will look attractive and will be charming for the guests. If you live in a hot climate, you can always welcome the plants to have a cooling effect and to look more pleasant to the eyes. You can use indoor and outdoor plants to add to the beauty of your place. For warm temperatures, you can choose cactus or Araucaria as they are easy to look after and can survive hot temperatures as well.



You can choose furniture which reflects the Southwestern culture. This should be something strong and you can choose suede leather and wool. They look nice, are easier to clean and maintain. You can use the distressed feature by adding some cracks to the paint of the furniture or sand the surface of the sofa. Southwestern furniture is heavy with strong features. Wooden logs which are bid and of substantial depth can be used as table tops and the same can be done for table and chairs. Metal decoration pieces are also the part of the culture and they give a rich and astounding appearance. Wrought Iron sculptures can also be used as interior or exterior decoration.

You can also add exterior tiles to your bedroom and kitchen which must have bold colors to depict the culture that you are willing to.

The most enticing feature which you can add to the house is terracotta pottery or baskets which are made up of fibers, grass, and leaves. Just keep nature in mind when you are refurbishing your house.

The Native American tribes have a set of beliefs which you can easily incorporate into your bedroom. Dreamcatchers is the feature which will make you come closer to the culture of Southwest. You can add a dream catcher made of a web which is entangled by feathers. The Native American tribes believe that the dream catchers catch any bad dreams on the web and the good dreams bestow on the sleeper through the soft feathers. This can be an addition to anyone’s bedroom. The southwestern culture and beliefs are so diverse that it is very difficult to store them in a single house. However, you can always add the touch!…

Rugs, Pugs, and Management Tips

When you walk into an empty room you see potential, you imagine what could be. I call this feeling decor. When you walk into a home and the decor is set up nicely, you feel warm and almost at home with the place (if it is not already your home). Decor sets up the mood of anywhere you go. Have you ever walked into a furniture shop and they have those little bedrooms of “what if”? that is their decor, setting up the mood for you. That is the imagination running wild of “what is this going to look like in my house?”


My favorite place to go is Pier 1 Imports because, like the commercials, the objects talk to you, they almost come off of the counter when it catches your eye, and you just imagine how lovely this piece would look in your living room or bedroom.


Décor is something everybody should have, but few do, or at least few know how to find the right décor. When I imagine the right décor I always imagine some nice hardwood flooring, with a soft rug and deep dark brown couch, something pleasant and warm to look at. Of course, others have different preferences. It also seems to go off of the type of house you have and even the type of person you are. All in all, décor can make a home and by having the right decor it can make your house a home.


Decorating My Palo Alto Apartment

I have to admit that I did not pay a substantial amount of attention to décor until I was in 6th grade. This is when my mother purchased her first home. Along with our new home, I got my own bedroom. I took pride in keeping my room cozy and beautiful and enjoyed rearranging my furniture when I was bored.

As I matured, décor played a more and more vital role in my life. I continued with the trend of keeping my bedroom as a tranquil retreat where I could relax, draw and journal. My friends and family took notice of my eye for design and I became the go-to person for interior décor advice.

My first job out of undergrad was working in a classroom with young children. I had learned about many concepts that correlated interior design with child development. As an early childhood educator, I was attentive to the type of lighting in my classroom, providing different textures for children to explore and using natural materials and calming colors to complement the social/emotional development of the young children that I cared for.

As a health and wellness enthusiast, I am intentional about making sure that my environment is conducive to my own emotional wellbeing and organized for optimal function. I also am a firm believer that you don’t have to spend much money to have a beautiful space. I purchased from garage sales, thrift stores and discounts stores with the occasional splurge.

I know that day to day, as well as, over time, your immediate environment has a tremendous impact on your personal development and wellbeing. I am an advocate of beautiful and purposeful spaces. I believe that your space can have such a massive impact on your base level of happiness every single day so you might as well make it great!